3 Tips To Creating An Emergency Cache In A Storage Unit

Whether you are a prepping enthusiast or simply want to make sure you can take care of your family after a large-scale disaster, you may find yourself gathering more emergency supplies than your home can comfortably hold. Once you have a basic kit for your home put together, you may think about renting out a storage unit to keep more supplies. This can help support you and your loved ones in a long-term emergency and can be a backup if you cannot access your emergency supplies at home. However, there are a few things you should consider when you begin to split your cache between your home and your storage unit. 

Guns and Ammunition 

Many states have laws against storing guns and ammunition in storage units, and in the states where storage of firearms is allowed by law, many storage facilities still do not allow it. The exception to this rule is antique guns, which are any guns made before 1898. If you do find a storage facility that allows the storage of firearms, they will most likely not allow the storage of ammunition, especially in large amounts, as it creates an explosive hazard. 

If you find a facility that accepts both firearms and ammunition, it is best to keep a minimal amount, properly sealed against moisture and temperature changes, in your storage unit and find a safe storage space for the majority of your ammunition at your home. 

Store a Variety of Supplies 

One mistake that you might make when moving your supplies to a storage unit is to keep any extra items you have in storage. For example, you may find that you have canned enough food to last your family for a year and decide to use a storage unit to store your extra food, or you may have extra camping and survival gear that you keep in the storage unit. However, if you only store one type of gear in your unit, it will not be very useful when you lose access to your home. 

Ideally, you will have similar caches at your home and in your storage unit, each able to sustain your family independently of the other. In your storage unit, you will want to stock at least non-perishable food, a full first aid kit, emergency shelters, clothing, and basic tools. If you have the means, you will also want to store a full emergency preparedness cache that addresses hygiene, water supply, entertainment, power and communications, as well. 

Keep the Most Important Items Accessible 

Keeping your storage unit organized is important in case you have limited time to access your storage unit during an emergency. You should have supplies separated by use and clearly labeled. Ideally, you will keep a clear path in the center of your unit so you can easily grab what you need without taking everything out of your unit.

If you have a 72-hour bag in your unit, you will want to keep it in a place where you can easily grab it as soon as you open the door. However, instead of keeping it in the center of the door, where it is easily visible, consider tucking it away on the side. If the storage center is looted during an emergency situation, it is more likely that your 72-hour bag will be overlooked. 

Hopefully, you will not experience a natural or man-made emergency that requires long-term emergency supplies. But if you do, it is important to not keep all of your supplies at home. Having a second stock of supplies available at a storage unit can be critical in making your family comfortable during an extreme emergency. 

For more information about storage units in your area and their policies, visit sites like http://www.getepicstorage.com
